Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trust Me....

Over and over again the theme of "Trust Me" keeps repeating itself. Of course the Me in all of this is our Father. In church my scripture regarding Abraham and Isaac along with Trust Me was repeated in a sermon a visiting pastor gave. This time it was comforting and thought provoking, instead of like a knife in my heart.

Did all of this have to happen for us to get Hannah's referral? After all, she was referred out of batch and from an orphanage that gives very few referrals. Is there a similarity between Aidan and Isaac? I do not believe that God is cruel to use this precious child so that we would be referred Hannah. But, could He have used the wisdom and mercy that He has to make sure we got Hannah? Yes! It happened thousands of times before.

Does this new knowledge make me feel better? No, I still hurt badly over Aidan. Does it give me comfort and peace? Yes.

After hearing these words yet again, we were reminding of the story of Hannah. Hannah had to give Samuel back to the Lord.....she prayed for him and God granted her desire but she did have to give him up. Wow! That gave Mike and I chills. No matter what God is in control of this situation.