Monday, September 29, 2008

Xiao Ye Wen

Referral Day
Today was an incredible day. At 9.29 am, my beeper went off. There was the message I have been waiting for CALL M (our Case Worker). Oh my gosh, that means the referral is here - the stork has landed. I was in a meeting and I told everyone want was happening so they were all excited for me. I returned the call and she was on the phone.
I ran to find Mike, crying then laughing the entire 2 blocks through the interior cross walks at work. I ran into the meeting room, and asked everyone where he was. Finally, I found him up front. I grabbed him and he took one look at me and knew what had happened. We jumped up and ran out of the room. Later we heard that the room broke out in a round of applause! They knew and they all understood just how important this call was.
We ran to Mike's office to call - still the line is busy. We ran to my office, where I looked up M's cell phone number. Finally, we got her on the phone! She tells us that it is the most beautiful baby from China she has ever seen. Mike and I detected a but, so we asked, she's a boy. We actually thought she was kidding. No she was not kidding.
We were shocked. Shocked is an understatement. We put female on all of our paperwork - the applications, dossier and all documents to China! Wow. Then we saw our son. He was the cutest baby boy EVER.
We did grieve our daughter. She may have only lived in our hearts but she did exists for us. We saw her daily in our minds and in our dreams.
However, we fell deeply in love with this boy, our son. It was an amazing day. One we will never forget.