Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wonderful News!!!!!

It is with the most uplifted heart that I tell you the most wonderful news possible regarding our Aidan. He made a full recovery about 6 months ago and has been adopted!!!! ALL of my prayers have been answered. Sure I had hoped we would be his forever family. We had our agency looking for him but, it was just not to be. I give the glory to God for this wonderful news and rejoice that He sent this news to us.

There has not been a day that has passed that I have not thought about that sweet precious face. But until now I have not been able to look at his face except the image that was burned in my mind of his referral pictures.

So why did this happen? As I look back I see lots of hints that God tried to prepare us. I cannot tell you how many times Abraham and Issac popped up, or the name I AM, or Hannah and Samuel. Was Aidan our means to get Hannah Grace and for him to be united with his forever family? Were we a means to get Aidan on several prayer lists? Was Aidan our Issac or our Samuel? Not sure and I guess at this point, it really does not matter. What does matter is little Aidan is loved and we love our Hannah Grace more each and everyday? I know this sounds strange but this news has given me a "freedom" to love Hannah even deeper. I guess in some way I felt guilty or this is just one more piece of evidence that God intended Hannah to be our child. So this news touches many emotions that run very deep.

So my dear sweet Aidan, I want you to know that we loved you (and still do). I will continue to pray for you and wish you a wonderful, happy, and healthy life. I know your forever family loves you and you feel safe with them. I know in my heart you are being kissed, played with and tickled the way every child deserves. I pray you are cared for just the way we would have cared for you. I hope that you develop into the young man that God intended you to be. I wish you the very best in this world. God bless you baby boy, I can release you now knowing you are loved.

I leave you hopefully feeling uplifted and with one more picture of sweet little Aidan. I almost do not dare to even dream of meeting him one day. If anyone hears of a story of an adopted little boy from Hunan please put me in touch with the family.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Aidan

Happy Birthday big boy. I cannot believe that you are two today! I hope that you are healthy, happy and loved. I hope someone, somehow, somewhere is helping you celebrate your birthday with presents, cake and lots and lots of fun.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Am Ready

Well I took the step that I have been dreading but now need to know. We are trying to get and update on Aidan. We are asking people that have connections to inquire for us. Also, we are asking our CW to look on the SN list for him. There is a possibility that we might still adopt him.

There are a lot of things we need to consider to make the decision. What is best for Hannah? Is Aidan in a condition that we could take care of him financially and physically?

Hannah and Aidan are two months apart so what would having 2 toddlers in the house be like? Especially if one of those toddlers is sickly? But for now, we are searching for Aidan and for answers.

We ask that you continue to pray for Aidan during this time. Our desire is for Aidan to be a happy, healthy child that is well adjusted in a loving family. Is that family our family? I do not know right now. What I do know is....Mike and I need to know what happen to Aidan. We are finally ready to accept the answer no matter the outcome. Before my heart just could not take it if he had passed away.